
Wi-Fi Hotspots Available for Checkout

Thanks to the State Library of North Carolina, all the public libraries in Rutherford County, including Norris Public Library, now have portable Wi-Fi Hotspots available for check out! A library card is all you need to borrow one for 2 weeks. Limited number available for a limiited time! Questions? Call us at 828-287-3520 x3.   … Continued

Norris Library Centennial 50/50 Raffle

Buy tickets to help raise money for the library and for your chance to win! Join us for an opportunity to help us raise money for the Norris Public Library. The more you share this 50/50 lottery, the more we raise. The more we raise, the more you can win, so, SHARE SHARE SHARE! Help … Continued

Place an Order for Contactless Curbside Pickup at Norris Library

Are you looking for specific books or audio/visuals? Would you like books similar to other authors that you have enjoyed or from genres that you enjoy reading? We will be more than happy to gather up the items that you need! You may request items on the NC Cardinal website, email us at or give … Continued

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