We listened to our residents, visitors, and business owners through our recent Community Survey. This feedback, along with feedback from our Department Heads and Town Councilmembers, has helped us create the 2023 Action Plan. The plan, while still in draft format, is scheduled to be approved by the Town Council at their regularly scheduled meeting on March 1, 2023. We encourage you to take time to read through these four goals and initiatives as the Town sets a strategic and collective vision to work together for a more robust Rutherfordton. Many of these goals and initiatives came directly from your comments in the community survey, and we want to be sure that we included your feedback.
As you read through the Draft 2023 Action Plan, please give us comments to ensure that your voice is heard. Let us know if this plan validates your vision and if there are things we’ve missed, contact either Magnolia Long at mlong@rutherfordton.net or Doug Barrick at dbarrick@rutherfordton.net. We want to ensure that we are working together to serve the needs of the community.